fredag 14 september 2007

Fredagsvideon 2

Nu blir det lite ångest, men det här är frågor som jag tycker att alla i dagens sekulariserade samhälle bör ställa sig:

Further med VNV Nation


At the end of days, at the end of time

When the Sun burns out will any of this matter?

Who will be there to remember who we were?

Who will be there to know that any of this had meaning for us?

And in retrospect I'll say we've done no wrong

Who are we to judge what's right and what has purpose for us?

With designs upon ourselves to do no wrong

Running wild unaware of what might come of us

The Sun was born, so it shall die

So only shadows comfort me

I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me

Each day shall end as it begins

And though you're far away from me

I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me

Without a thought I will see everything eternal

Forget that once we were just dust from heavens far

As we were forged we shall return, perhaps some day

I will remember you and wonder who we were

The Sun was born, so it shall die

So only shadows comfort me

I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me

Each day shall end as it begins

And though you're far away from me

I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me

3 kommentarer:

Sevananda Das sa...

Wow, har du hittat en inställning som gör att dina inlägg postas vid en speciell tidpunkt?

sadhusangananda das sa...

När man redigerar inläggen kan man också redigera vilket datum och klocklslag det ser ut som om det har postats.

Shyamananda das sa...

krishnas heliga namn ki jaya!